
Just when you thought you could not possibly squeeze out another ounce of performance from your already optimized drilling operation, here comes RIGTIME by Genesis RTS. This next generation rig activity detection tool gives you the flexibility to accurately pinpoint performance gaps with easy-to-use, easy-to-understand visualization that helps define best practices and improves communication among key decision makers.
Activate Performance Excellence
How long should it take? How long does it actually take? Tick tock. RIGTIME maximizes task completion efficiencies among rig crews throughout the well delivery process — and across the enterprise — by first identifying the high frequency activities that are a common cause for Invisible Lost Time (ILT). Specifically, RIGTIME uses surface data to calculate and analyze the following type of rig activity: drilling rotating, drilling sliding, tripping in, tripping out, slip to slip, and weight to weight.
It’s no secret… ILT represents 30% of time/cost of traditional well delivery.
RIGTIME offers operators timely and accurate reporting of key performance indicators (KPIs) – comparing rig-to-rig, crew-to-crew, and shift-to-shift performance. Most importantly, RIGTIME finally gives operators a tool that provides interpretation and comparison by well section — vertical, curve, and lateral. RIGTIME provides a detailed analysis of historical rig performance that can be utilized to set future performance benchmarks while establishing a seamless path to perform planned versus actual performance monitoring by providing weekly, biweekly, or month planned compared to actual performance reporting.
Time Is Money
RIGTIME saves your operation money by reducing ILT by 20% (e.g. for a 30-day well delivery plan with a spread rate of $100,000/day and an average of 5,000 connections per well, a one-minute reduction has the potential to save operators more than $3.4 million per year, per rig).
RigTime Interface

Value Drivers
Actual trials of rig-state tools for offshore and onshore wells identified early learning related to mechanical issues and identified dramatic improvement in operational efficiencies, such as:- Potential for 20% reduction in days to complete batch wells
- 20% reduction in average connection times
- 20% improvement opportunity in tripping speeds